Thursday, July 23, 2015

Champ Bailey scared that Wes Welker wants to play

Former Patriots and Broncos wide receiver Wes Welker isn't currently on any NFL roster. That doesn't stop him from wanting to be on one, and thinks he can still play pro football.

Something that deeply concerns his former teammate in Denver, Champ Bailey.

"I don't want Wes to play for my own personal reasons," he told Fox Sports. "I've seen him get concussions. It scares me."

Despite his very real fears, Bailey still has faith that Welker could still produce for a franchise.

"I think he can still play, but I don't want him to play because of these concussions," he added. 

"This thing is no joke. It's a serious thing when you start talking about your head. And for him to have to worry about that at a young age that he is now, he has to think about that for years to come and I just hope he hangs it up."

He said how hard it is to tell another football player that he should hang up his cleats for good, also noting how it's Welker's desire for another Super Bowl that keeps him optimistic another team will sign him.

"I understand why he has that desire to play, he wants the ring," Bailey said. "He still has that hunger, I just don't want to see it."


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