They chose the latter, and Kerrigan, for one, thinks it was the right choice.
"In the long run it'll be more beneficial," he said. "Obviously it's good for the knee and even though you don't play a full game, those hits add up. My knee is feeling great right now."
Kerrigan had surgery in May to remove bone spurs from his left knee, keeping him from the team's spring workouts, but he saw some meaningful time in the summer training camp.
"It would get swollen at times, but my range of motion has been strong and good," he said. "That's always the main thing, to make sure it's bending right."
He doesn't think any offseason rust from his absence in the preseason will prevent everything from bending properly when it counts on Sept. 13 against the Miami Dolphins. Even though hitting is at a premium in such circumstances, his 1-on-1 pass rushing drill work in camp has been mostly at full speed, giving him the opportunity to perfect his first moves off the snap and his quickness.
It's that skill in particular his team needs from him the most this season. They lost linebacker Junior Galette for the year after signing him in August, and his cross-field rushing partners include the largely unproven tandem of Trent Murphy and rookie Preston Smith.
For now, Kerrigan is itching for that initial action.
"It's tough to compare it to years past, but I feel good. I feel fine," he said. "I'm ready to get that first hit out of the way. You're always anxious for that."
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